Thursday, July 9, 2009

Marbury update

Previously, I blogged about Stephon Marbury using the NBPA as his agent. Now, Marbury is looking at his options to play basketball overseas. It is not clear whether Hal Biagas is still helping him with this endeavor, but it seems odd that Marbury could use the NBPA to negotiate an overseas contract. Would the NBPA help Josh Childress negotiate an extension? You have to wonder where the NBPA will draw the line. 

For a contrarian view (to mine), see the Sports Law Blog. Michael McCann posts about Marbury's recent use of the players' union  and fellow blogger, Rick Karcher, has written a law review article advocating the use of the union as agents for the individual players. I always thought this was an interesting idea, but never thought it was realistic. I guess I will have to check out Karcher's article now.

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